So my friends and I decided that we needed an incentive to GET FIT so we created “Weaklings Getting Fit“. This is a 13-week challenge that forces us to MEET OUR FITNESS GOALS EACH WEEK for 13 weeks. The consequence for not meeting our goals? $5 in the pot!! More details on the website.

We are blogging about our goals and recorded our changes/observations. We all have been procrastinating for way too long, so we thought it was about time to start taking some action!! Here is my introductory post that I submitted on the site:

Hi guys! The name’s Kim.

I decided to join this strange (yet awesome) competition as an incentive to GET FIT.

A couple of years ago, I was pretty overweight and became a victim to “Freshman 15”. The allnighters, midnight snacks, and no-time-to-exercise-because-I-have-to-study-study-study-mindset overtook my life and made me gain unwanted weight!

Around third year, I decided that I didn’t want to live the life of an oompa loompa, so I began running (a lot!). I invested in a pair of comfortable pink Asics and nicely fitting gym strip and began my journey to be healthy. Since then, I lost 20 lbs (130 lbs to 110 lbs) and have taught myself the ins and outs of healthy eating and exercise (still learning!).

My exercise regime went downhill after I left for my exchange to Melbourne (July 2013 ‘til now), so I want to get back into the habit of being healthy again. Something that I have always wanted to do is to confidently wear a bright, pink sports bra at the gym. It’s an odd goal, but I swear it’s every girl’s dream.

The majestic pink bra...
The majestic pink bra…

By the end of this competition, I hope to be confident in my own skin and be proud of my body. I am not aiming to get abs of steel (though that would be kind of cool), but I hope to look decent enough to not scare people away when I stroll around the beach in my bikini.

My weekly goal is to get active three times a week (running outside, doing weights at the gym, or dancing in the rain – I’ll update you) and eat freakin’ healthy for 90% of the time. I want to lose my gut, tone my stomach, and be able to squat more than 50 lbs. Oh, and of course rock a pink sports bra!

Feel free to follow me on the road to getting fit. I will need the support!

Original post: Meet Kimbo! via Weaklings Getting Fit